Vivid Antiquity

Lithophane Table Light Urns

High quality custom 3D printed lithophane table light urns to uniquely remember your loved one.



- Small - 3.62" x 4.06" x 3.94"  (4:3 Picture)
- Medium - 7.56" x 4.06" x 3.94" (1:1 Picture)
- Large - 7.56" x 7.56" x 4.06" (4:5 Picture)


- White
- Black
- Lightwood
- Redwood
- Stone

Picture Text

- Name
- Dates


Remain Volume

- Small - 25cu-in
- Medium - 57cu-in
- Large - 223cu-in

Ordering Details and Questions

Contact your local pet crematorium on purchase details or use contact form below.